On August 22, I had the pleasure of attending the Upper Canada Fibreshed's Round Table 2018 Event at Lakehead University. This one day event brought farmer, processor, producer, and designer together to discuss Ontario's own fibre!
The ecological soil to soil movement is real! We as consumers need to place more emphasis on knowing where are clothes were grown, naturally dyed or mined dyes, who farmed the fibre?
The documentary, River Blue, produced by Roger Williams and narrated by Jason Priestley (Beverly Hills 90210 fame), leads us through the China and India Textile business and the dirty little secret behind the clothes you are buying from chains such as H&M, Zara, Old Navy, Gap and Addidas!
Google watchriverblue.eco It is mind blowing and will change the way you look at clothes... as a consumer - STOP BUYING UNNECESSARILY!!!