The Weaver's Knot Success

A huge thank you to all of those who were able to make it to our inaugural Weaver's Knot, on January 26th! The weather wasn't very co-operative the day before but, it opened up nicely on Saturday, for those who braved the elements!

What a wonderful opportunity to meet other weavers in the area, form a sense of community and connection and to hear, in whatever craft/art we dive into, we all seem to have the same stash/inventory spread out around our domains!!! We are not alone! Even more terrific was for 2 weavers to discover they live around the block from each other.... love the connections!

We were so very fortunate to have several experienced weavers from the Huronia Handweavers Guild of Barrie, join us and share their work. It was particularly comforting to hear of Cathy's tale.... "Just when you think you are hot stuff, the loom comes up and grabs you by the short hairs!" It was great for the new weavers to learn that even an experienced weaver can have a screw up!!!

Our next Weaver's Knot is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 23rd, 10-noon

More details email